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Applied Kinesiology in Johns Creek

Doctor holding woman's armReceive a comprehensive evaluation and effective chiropractic care by taking advantage of the applied kinesiology techniques offered at Chiro at the Creek. Dr. Austin is certified in the practice of applied kinesiology and utilizes it to help patients like you discover the reality your body is facing.

Assessing Your Strengths and Weaknesses with Muscle Testing

Applied kinesiology is best explained as muscle testing that measures the response of the body to various stimuli and application points. It can be used by Dr. Austin to discover and assess areas of strength and weakness, plus it can identify structural, chemical, or emotional factors impacting health.

As an extremely thorough chiropractic technique, applied kinesiology sets the foundation for cranial work that helps the sinuses and identifies the place to correct lymphatic drainage issues. It can also be used to clear out the neurological pattern held by the body after an injury, leading to a more complete recovery, particularly for athletes.

An Aid in Giving You Back Your Holistic Health

Through applied kinesiology, Dr. Austin can pinpoint specific imbalances and gain insight into what your body needs in care. He is able to locate subluxations and the relevant release points where acupressure may be applied.

In addition, applied kinesiology gives Dr. Austin a better understanding of the factors contributing to a patient’s emotional stress, recurring injuries, postural issues, and general pain symptoms. Through this technique, we have the knowledge and expertise to guide you to reclaiming your holistic and long-term health.

Experience the Impact of Applied Kinesiology

Used to continually assess issues and progress, you will feel the impact of effective applied kinesiology throughout your time of care with us. The best part? It is included in our new patient procedure and covered as part of our chiropractic care.

Applied Kinesiology Johns Creek GA | (678) 694-1113